Update on Dr. DiCola & Saturday Schedule Changes

Dear Patients,

With Dr. DiCola’s absence becoming longer, we wanted to take a moment and let you, our patients, know what the situation is. 

During his vacation in the second week of January, Dr. DiCola fell ill and had to be hospitalized.  I don’t want to get too much into the details behind the illness, but please rest assured that he is out of the hospital now and is recovering and resting at home with loved ones. 

He has yet to be cleared to return to work by his doctors and is also on medication, both of which are preventing him from treating patients at the moment.  We don’t know when he will be back but please rest assured that his place at our office will be waiting for him when he does.  We are in contact with him regularly though, and when we get any new information we will share it right away.  If anyone has any questions, or wants to send him well wishes, please talk to our front desk and they will make it happen.

Due to his absence, we are going to create some schedule changes for the foreseeable future to make our staff has enough time to rest and recuperate.  Starting February 8th, we will begin closing the office every other Saturday.  The Saturday schedules will look like this for the next month or so:

We will be posting a Saturday schedule at the front desk as well for your review.  As always, we are here any time if anyone has any questions or concerns, you can email us directly at drmckay@advancedback.com or call us at 302-368-1300.  Thank you all for your concern, and for the opportunity to serve you.



Advanced Back Team

Dr. Travis McKay

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