Opening All Saturdays Starting July 11th!

All Saturdays Available Again Starting July 11th:
With Dr. Harper "adjusting" well to the practice and our systems, we have decided to begin opening up all Saturdays again! Dr. Harper and Dr. Travis McKay will alternate each week and this will begin starting July 11th. Please remember that our Saturday hours are 9AM-11AM. If you want to get on the schedule, contact our office at 302-368-1300 or click on the link below to make an appointment online.
In Office COVID Protocol Reminder:
As our state begins to open up more and more following the strict isolation orders in April & May, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of the protocols in our office to help ensure our staff and patients safety:
  • All staff and all patients will have their temperatures checked via non-contact infrared thermometer at each office visit.
  • All staff and all patients will be asked questions regarding the presence of symptoms such as coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath, as well as recent contact with any laboratory confirmed COVID cases.
  • All surfaces are cleaned prior to each patient visit with Lysol or an anti-microbial wipe.
  • Face masks are required for all patients and staff.
  • Physical distancing is promoted by the removal of chairs within the office.
  • Only a certain amount of patients are permitted in the office at one time.
We are working hard to keep everyone safe and if you have been hesitant to return please rest assured that we are meeting all necessary requirements to ensure our patients and staffs health.
We hope to see you soon!
Dr. Travis McKay

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