Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center

Chiropractors located in Newark, DE

Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center provides chiropractic care to patients in Newark, Delaware. The facility has delivered complete body solutions to patients in this area since 1986. Located inside the Omega Professional Center, Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center is surrounded by other medical professionals.

The doctors at Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center approach each patient’s problem with individualized care and concern. After identifying the issue, the doctor explains the issue to the patient in terms that are easy to understand. The doctor also describes all of the patient’s treatment options in detail so they can choose the best course of action.

Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center believes that the structure of the spine is responsible for dictating how well the body functions. If the spinal nerves aren’t receiving the proper pressure, the body can’t reach its maximum potential. The doctors help patients understand how the body works, and do their best to resolve any issues that prevent the body from functioning at its best.




*Individual Results May Vary

Patient Video Testimonials


When Justin came to our Newark office with severe lower back pain, he had already been told by two other doctor's that surgery was necessary to fix his problem. After only a short time with chiropractic care, Justin's pain levels, his mobility, and his quality of life have all drastically improved!

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Major Insurance Providers Accepted

At Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center, we accept most major insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Geisinger Health Plan
United Healthcare
The ABNP Guarantee

 I personally guarantee that you’ll have the best office visit and chiropractic experience possible or your appointment is free. Come by our Newark office and see the ABNP difference!

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Patient Testimonials*

  • “When I was in my early 20’s, I started having periodic attacks of severe pain in my lower back.  The pain would last for a few insufferable days and then I’d be back on my feet again and just promise myself to exercise more in hopes of building up some muscle to help support my back.  I would take Motrin, I would use heating pads, ice bags, and never considered a doctor.  It would recur every few years and each time I would be in such pain that it was difficult to walk and I was stooped over.

    Two weeks ago, at age 48, my lower back pain was back and it was so bad that I couldn’t really walk.  It was like a nerve would pinch when I stood up or made even small moves.  Two days into it, my brother in law suggested that I go to the chiropractors at Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center.  I was hesitant, but ready to do whatever I could to help the pain.  I didn’t know anything about chiropractors but they had healed his neck and back pain so I decided to try it.

    I am a terrible patient and I am afraid of pain, but when I got there they were so welcoming, patient, kind that it made me feel very comfortable.  They were very professional and I quickly saw that it was real science.  They took x-rays of my spine and were very thorough when reviewing my results and the treatment options.  I felt comfortable asking questions and sharing my worries and fears.  There was no pressure about treatment and they worked with me to find the best course of action.  Within 2 visits I was walking almost completely upright, with no bend, and feeling 100x better.  I decided to continue my sessions, in hopes of ridding myself of any recurrence.  I’m still a terrible patient and don’t like pain, but I’m happy to say that I don’t miss a session, and there is never pain involved in the adjustments and I always leave feeling better.

    I would recommend this office to anyone and encourage them to go earlier rather than later…don’t let the pain get the best of you.  It’s definitely a process and I encourage everyone to give it a try.” – Melissa S.

    “Fifteen years of medical problems, starting with colon cancer requiring chemotherapy, lead me down a path of twenty one hospitalizations including seven orthopedic surgeries from joint reconstruction to spinal fusions for abnormal bone growth attempting to cut my spinal column in half at the cervical, thoracic and lumbar areas.  It was thought that the use of a wheel chair was in my immediate future.  Heavy pain medications seemed to be the only relief and that creates its own set of problems with abnormal kidney and lifer function plus all kinds of unpleasant side effects,  All of my physical activity came to a halt because of pain.  After spending years in every specialist doctor office in three states, I finally gave Dr. McKay a try as recommended by a friend, based on their excellent response to his therapy and their respect for his total body knowledge and personable bedside manner.  After a comprehensive examination, the good and bad news was delivered.  The bad news was that it was going to take more than a year of hard work on both the doctors’ and my part to see some improvement.  You don’t fix fifteen years of problems overnight.  The good news, Dr. McKay was confident he could help me.  You can’t fix broke but you can help what’s still healthy.  I’m now in my fourth month of therapy.  Because of Dr. McKay’s holistic approach, he has reduced my muscle spasms by 97% by adding more common supplements to my diet.  My pain medication intake is reduced by more than 1/3 because of the therapy treatments and adjustments, massages and yes, some exercise and flexibility training.  A couple of great doctors coupled with awesome supporting staff is nothing but a recipe for a success.” – Bob M.

    *Individual results may vary.

  • “I’ve lived with chronic lower back and neck pain for the past three years, because of the pain it was difficult to make my bed, vacuum, play with my children and to put on my own shoes.

    I had a minor slip on the ice driving one days and a week later I couldn’t walk, who knew just a slight sudden movement could cause me severe pain.  I ended up in Urgent Care, the doctor on call said I was having muscle spasms, so he prescribed me a muscle relaxer and pain pills.  Well the muscle relaxer made me lethargic and unable to function and the pain pill just upset my stomach, so in other words I was still in pain and unable to function normally.

    My neighbor Mary, works for Dr. McKay and insisted that I come into the office for consultation.  I was pleased I was able to get an appointment the same day.  When I walked into the office, the staff was so kind and saw I was in pain and made me feel as comfortable as they possibly could.  I had x-rays, consultation and treatment plan established that day.  Come to find out that I have degenerative joint disease, old fractures to my L4 and L5 and some previous injury to my neck as well.  Dr. McKay was confident he could make me more comfortable and enjoy my life again.  The first week I felt 50% better, I received back and neck adjustments and stim treatments and after a month I felt like a million bucks.

    When I walk into the office everyone greets you by name like you are a VIP.  I continue to go according to my treatment plan and continue to make improvements.  I am so grateful to Dr. McKay, Dr. Travis, Marie, Jess, Mary and Cynthia, you all truly saved my life.”  – Susan R

    “Last year my neighbor (who works at Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center) suggested I give her chiropractic office a try for my aches and pains.  I have a couple herniated discs in my lower back, problems in my neck from several whip lashes, sciatic never problems on both sides, plus a host of many other aches and pains.

    I was tired of taking pain medications and getting shots in my back for the sciatic nerve.  I wanted some relief.

    At Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center, the adjustments I was given for my back and neck has taken away those pain pills and shots.  They have also provided with me to exercises to help.  It’s interesting to me to find that tweak here or there can help so many different ailments of the body i.e., sinuses, headaches, feet, etc.

    I highly recommend treating the body with adjustments rather than chemicals that may have adverse effects on other parts the chemical was not intended for.

    Oh, and the personnel in there are happy greeters and helpful to you using the equipment,listening to you (I mean actually listening to your problems) and passing the word to whomever in there may be able to help.  This is definitely a helping center with caring people” – Joan P.

    *Individual results may vary.

  • In May 2008 one week before my daughter’s wedding, I started experiencing neck pain, my fingers in my left hand starting tingling and my left arm went completely numb. I underwent an Xray and MRI and was told I had bulging and herniated disks in my C5 and C6 vertebrae. I was sent to a Pain Management Center and over the next several years was given multiple pain injections in my neck and spine. These injections helped alleviate the pain temporarily, but the pain would eventually return and usually be worse. I had a difficult time managing the pain while performing my work duties (working on a computer for many hours at a time). The daily pain was at the core of my lack of patience and unhappiness with myself which then ran over into my family life. I was also saddened that those activities that I did for fun – play volleyball, waterski, riding on a boat, driving my waverunner – were painful and forced me to reduce the time I spent “playing” and enjoying life. Once the injections stopped working, I was referred to a neurosurgeon who recommended surgery to fix the herniated disks. I was unable at that time to even consider the surgery since it would mean that I would be out of work for 4-6 weeks, unable to drive for at least 4 weeks, and unable to lift any amount of weight. I then began experiencing lower back pain which was affecting my ability to drive for any extended period of time. My right leg would cramp and hurt during my travels. An MRI revealed spinal stenosis and herniated disks in L5. Physical Therapy was recommended and although I had PT over the next couple of months 2 to 3 times per week, this again only alleviated the pain temporarily.

    Frustration and pain were mounting every day, so a good friend of mine who was seeing Dr. McKay for back problems recommended that I seek out their help. Not entirely of the belief that anything could be done other than surgery and despite my skepticism, I made an appointment in November 2011. This small step would end up changing my life!

    Since my first appointment, the staff at Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center have been kind, helpful and are truly concerned not only with my neck and back pain but with my overall health as well. From the first day there, they have gone above and beyond just chiropractic treatment. They have taught me everyday skills and exercises so that my quality of life is enhanced and that I don’t “just have to live with the pain” anymore.

    I no longer experience any pain at all while driving, and although I still have some discomfort from time to time in my neck and back, the difference in my overall well-being and quality of life is beyond belief! I have continued to work and coach and to play volleyball, water ski, ride my waverunner and take care of my two grandsons – all the necessary daily activities and all the fun activities as well. I am still amazed at the improvements I continue to feel every day and glad that my initial skepticism did not stop me from making that first appointment and doing something for me – because I am worth it!!

    Cathy B.


    *Individual results may vary.

    Hi, my name is Paula K. Chapman and I have been diagnosed with severe scoliosis and severe facet disease along with degenerative disease. I also have multilevel tricompartment stenosis and neural foraminal impingement, more severe on the left side. I have abnormal soft tissue in the left spinal canal representing a calcified synovial cyst. On and on and on … in plain language, I have a severely screwed-up lower back!

    I have been in back pain for most of my life in one venue or another and no one (medically) could ever explain to me why. I’ve been in debilitating back pain for the past five years with not much hope for any relief. After many falls and trips to the spinal specialist all they could offer was the severity of my back with the only kind of relief were nerve blocks. They never even discussed the scoliosis issue with me. I was told that surgery would be of no benefit and would probably make my situation worse. I truly felt as if I was left with no hope at all. I had to learn to live with my pain and get nerve blocks that never lasted more than three weeks at a cost of $2,000 each!

    I began reading some information sent to my husband through the mail from Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center. I was very skeptical at first but I continued reading all I could, then went online to their site and began reading more & more! I thought maybe they could help me, what did I have to lose? No one was offering me any hope. After discussing the entire situation with my husband, I decided that I would make an appointment. What did I have to lose?

    I came to Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center!!! For the first time, in a long time, Dr. McKay explained what was happening in my life and why as we studied the x-rays and he showed me the severity of my diagnosis! He explained to me why I was falling all the time due to the severe scoliosis and why no other doctor ever addressed the situation earlier in my life! Now I knew why I was suffering so badly and that I didn’t have to anymore!!! As we began the chiropractic adjustments, in less than three weeks, I could actually reach over and shut the car door, which I haven’t been able to do for quite some time. I can now get out of bed without crying for five minutes before I could straighten up and proceed with getting dressed. I can put on pants without all the debilitating pain I had been experiencing for far too long! This past weekend I walked the entire mall without having to sit down several times! No pain and feeling great!

    With every adjustment I fell more and more blood flow throughout different parts of my body. I really forgot what that felt like! I can see the difference in my feet! They are a healthy pink again! I feel the difference every day, with less and less pain. Even co-workers and family members are commenting on the difference in my attitude, vitality and my coloring! It goes to show just how devastating constant pain can be on your psyche and very well being!

    I am so glad that I decided to try the chiropractic experience, with their modern scientific methods, have been the best for me! Chiropractic has given me such terrific results as practiced today, no surgeries and no prescriptions, and I am so very grateful!

    Thank you so much Dr. McKay for teaching me about how my body works and when it gets what it needs it will heal itself, with a little adjustment! Thanks for giving me back my life!

    Paula K. Chapman

  • My name is Ed Long and I sustained a neck injury in 1993. I have been seeing a chiropractor ever since the accident in Rochester, New York. I have been in pain every day since 1993. The chiropractor in Rochester helped, but never got rid of the pain totally, just temporarily.

    I moved to Delaware in 1999 and was seeing another chiropractor here a couple of times; however, he was so terrible, I drove back to New York to see my previous chiropractor a “few” times a year. I lived with the everyday pain by taking Advil, Aleve or Ibuprofen. I could not tilt my head up for more than a couple of minutes without my neck muscles tightening up and giving me pain. Needless to say, my moods were not always the best.

    One morning in April of 2008, I woke up in severe pain and could not keep my head straight. I was tilted to the right and could not move. It was like the injury just happened all over again, 15 years later. I got on the computer and found a chiropractor to get me in ASAP! It was the best thing I ever did, calling Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center. I called and Marie told me to come right over. I was in such bad shape they couldn’t help me that day; I was too inflamed. Dr McKay suggested that I go to the emergency room if it got worse. Two days later, I woke up at 7 a.m. in so much pain, I was in tears. I drove myself to the emergency room. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory and pain killers to help, which they did, but it only took care of the pain, not the problem.

    I started therapy two weeks later with Dr. McKay. Since then, they have not only stopped my pain, but they have corrected the problem. My neck curvature was 119% the “wrong way”. One year later, my curvature is 61% and I no longer require pain medication and can look up with no pain coming to me after a couple of minutes.

    Not only do I continue to see Dr. McKay, but I recommend to everyone in pain to go see the group at Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center. They know how to fix you. I thank them for giving me back a normal life!

    Ed Long

    *Individual results may vary.

    I came to Dr. McKay four months ago with back spasms and pain so severe that it was actually interfering with my ability to prepare my own food at times. It definitely had destroyed my quality of life. I still tried to pursue my usual activities with housecleaning, yard work, gardening & volunteer work. Increasingly these activities became more and more difficult to do and all the pleasure for these activities was gone. By the time I finished an activity I was shaking in pain and even unable to breathe properly because I was holding my breath to persevere. The spasms were in my mid back and would last unrelentingly for months on end. This went on for 3 years!

    One doctor told me that I had an “old back” and suggested muscle relaxants. I have an underlying heart condition and when I consulted my cardiologist he said “Absolutely Not”. That left narcotics. I was unwilling to take these. I want an active vital life, not a drugged one. I then went to a chiropractor that my doctor recommended from another practice and got some small relief, but the spasms persisted. I had visited Dr. McKay almost 20 years ago with a lower back problem and he had treated me with great success.

    In an effort for relief I called the office and was seen immediately. X-rays were taken for the first time and I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I also had degenerative arthritis of the spine… I immediately received an adjustment from Dr. McKay and I was treated every day for a week. By the end of the week, I never again had a spasm on the right side of my back. Then I began a 3 day a week schedule and exercise program that Dr. McKay recommended. Every week the spasms lessened and the time between spasms increased. Because I also have osteoporosis and had 2 broken ribs several months before the doctors had to take this into consideration in my treatment plan and explained that they would not be as aggressive as normal but to be patient and results would follow.

    After 3 years I really doubted that I could be helped. I have been in treatment now for 4 months. The spasms are gone. Not only did my back spasms resolve, but there were improvements to pain that I had just taken for granted that I would have to live with forever. My blood pressure normalized, my heart function improved dramatically and stabilized. I had suffered from upper arm pain and neck stiffness. I never even mentioned the upper arm and shoulder pain because the back pain was so intense, but this pain is totally absent now.

    I have now resumed all my activities. I also resumed my weight lifting program and Thai Chi. I have been mountain climbing with my son and now I have no doubt that I can go with him again to Mt. Washington next week for a shot at the Presidential Traverse. The joy in my life is back. I love physical activity and work hard to keep fit. I was losing all this before I came to Dr. McKay. The advice I got from other doctors and the previous chiropractor was to stop all these activities. Dr. McKay never once limited me. The few times I did do something beyond my capacity and the spasm returned, they saw me right away and cured the spasm on the spot. I am so grateful that I was not limited or restricted.

    I would like to comment also on the holistic approach to health and wellness that is part of the whole office atmosphere. The entire office staff works with great kindness and efficiency to relieve pain and make it a great experience based on your personal wellness. I was amazed at the treatment options now available as compared to my visits twenty years ago. I have now committed to make chiropractic care part of my life so that I can continue to experience life to the fullest. I know with Dr. McKay’s expertise I will have many more years of fitness and adventure.

    Elma May Page


Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center
54 Omega Drive, Suite F
Newark, DE 19713
Phone: 302-368-1300
Fax: 302-368-1695

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    "Professional, attentive, friendly. I've had a significant increase in mobility while coming to this office.... Worth every penny!"

    Michelle P.
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    "The massage, the staff and doctors are wonderful, I could not have been more pleased with the practice."*

    Patricia R.
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    "After only 2.5 months I am now able to walk longer distances, work out again, and sit for a couple of hours without pain!"*

    Kellie R.
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    "Everyone knows everyone on a first name basis. They have flexible appointments for your schedule. I highly recommend Advanced Back & Neck Pain Center!"*

    Kristine D.
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    "I never have to wait, I'm in and out in no time. And for once in my life I can finally say I am pain free thanks to Advanced Back & Neck Center!"*

    Sabrina M.
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    "The improvements have been astonishing in just a short amount of time. I highly recommend this practice to anyone!"*

    Taneisha N.
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    "I love this practice. I suffered from migraines for years!... I started in October 2015 and have not had a migraine since."*

    Ayana C.

*Individual Results May Vary